Business consultancy – Archilime

Business consultancy - Archilime

Archilime Visualisations were looking for business consultancy to provide strategic advice on growing their business.

They produce bespoke photo-realistic 3D visualisations and designs for architects, property developers, interior and landscape designers across the UK, Europe and the Middle East.

We provide a business consultancy service and sales advice to help this ambitious SME with rapid growth and expansion.

Acting as a “critical friend”, business consultancy means you have access to valuable independent advice when you need it. At Archilime, once a strategy was developed we meet once a quarter to review progress and plan for the coming months.

Acting on our advice, the Archilime team have made improvements to their social media management, sales process, marketing and brand visibility.

After 12 months, sales have grown by 120%.

Jack Dicker, Managing Director, says: “Richard and the team really have opened my eyes to the way I now think about developing the business. Its those small details and thoughts that I now take home with me and think on that pushes me to come in and hit other targets.

“Having a new business that has grown so quickly, I need honest, reliable and real advice on how to manage expectations and juggle new and existing clientele. Importantly, I feel comfortable working with RFS Marketing, knowing that I can reach out to them in time of need when looking for advice whilst not worrying about a huge bill at the end of the month that I was never told about.

“I had definitely underrated this whole process, now I can’t see any other way of moving a business forward efficiently.”

There are many benefits of using a consultant instead of hiring staff:

  • No taxes, benefits or human resource issues
  • When you no longer need us, it’s easy to terminate!
  • We offer high quality, independent advice: a ‘critical friend’
  • Access to our whole team means you get diversity of ideas from other experiences
  • It’s flexibility makes consultancy ideal for project specific work
  • You will get a higher level business professional from a consultant than you’ll be able to hire

Find out how we can help your business by viewing our range of services here

You can visit Archilime here

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