We are working with a wide range of stakeholders including the Cornish Pirates, Truro City FC, and Truro and Penwith College on a local, regional and national campaign to secure the development of a new Stadium for Cornwall.
This is a bold vision: modern sporting and conference facilities for two ambitious teams, and the college where students get to train in cutting edge catering and hospitality, capable of hosting thousands.
Using a range of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Thunderclap, as well as securing positive coverage in regional news media, we are gathering a massive support base reaching hundreds of thousands of people to help convince local government to support the stadium’s development.
The Thunderclap reached more than 710,000 social media users via 618 supporters in 29 countries and 204 cities around the world. We find Thunderclap an excellent way of gathering support ahead of a campaign launch, and it is particularly useful for fundraising, crowdsourcing and event or product launches.
We are working alongside DeFacto Films who created two fabulous short films for use on social media, for advertising and for events. The first film was viewed more than 100,000 times.
Find out how our range of services can help you with your campaign here.