“Let’s face it – unless you are boosting your social content hardly of your followers see it anyway. Organic social is dead.”
An actual comment from an actual marketer on a B2B marketing forum on Facebook.
At RFS Marketing & Communications Ltd we do a lot of digital marketing. So much so we don’t even use the word ‘digital’ to describe what we do.
So we understand why people make comments like this. Especially since the change of The Dreaded Facebook Algorithm.
It simply isn’t true.
If people aren’t seeing your content, ask yourself: ‘what is wrong with my content?’
Ask yourself: ‘What is the engagement rate of my content?’
Ask yourself: ‘What do my brand’s fans want to see and hear about?’
Ask yourself: ‘Am I giving that to them?’
Ask yourself: ‘Am I just broadcasting what I want people to know?’
Once you get your engagement rates up, the algorithms will serve your content to more people.
Because your content will be recognised as trustworthy and popular.
Here are some results our clients achieved through organic social media:
Client A, in 3 months:
- Facebook organic page likes up 13%
- Facebook organic reach up by 2,064%
- Facebook organic engagements up by 1,309%
- Visits to the online store via social media up 623%
- Online sales up year-on-year by 36%
Engagement is key – by posting content that people want to like, share or comment on your reach will grow substantially. Then you can pay to boost key elements of your content to more people who should be fans, encouraging them to join your merry band of followers.
Otherwise you are simply paying for more people to ignore you. Client B blended the daily posting of good content with some targeted advertising:
Client B, in 5 months:
- Facebook page likes up 355%
- Instagram Followers up 127%
- Online orders up 234%
- Average value of each sale doubled
Needless to say, we never pay for followers. Because paid for followers don’t engage – so your engagement rate suffers and the algorithm won’t like that.
Be patient, be consistent, be interesting.
Organic social is alive and well, and ignoring the boring.
What do you think?