Using digital in charities to help deliver substantial improvements

Using digital in charities can be a major stumbling block for some organisations. For the last 18 months, the introduction of the Charity Digital Code of Practice has already led to reports of using digital in charities across the UK, and now Code Champions have now been recruited to further increase this positive impact. The […]

Marketing strategy baby steps

Baby steps in marketing strategy

Everybody has to learn to walk for the first time. And no one learns to walk without at least a little help. Once they’re on their feet, babies tend to use furniture or whatever is around them to ‘cruise’ around the room. It’s often the same with marketing strategy for a small business. The majority […]

How to achieve sales success

RFS Marketing and Communications Ltd

  There is one simple answer: sales focus. Client 1: After reworking their business development approach, forging a new team, getting them hunting and farming they have gone from sales of zero to £450,000 won revenue, with a further £1 million in quotes being processed, all within 12 weeks. Client 2: Within a few days […]

This Telephone Won’t Dial Itself!

Telephone sales by RFS Marketing - "This phone won't dial itself!"

“Pick up the phone and start dialling.” We don’t necessarily advocate the entire Wolf of Wall Street approach to sales, but here at RFS we do insist on at least this: you must stop hiding behind emails and pick up the telephone to clients and prospects. For one client, within 2 days of doing this […]

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